Nieuwe focus op risicomanagement - zeer interactieve trainingen voor effectiever leerresultaten. Lees meer [English]
Maritime Academy puts new focus on risk management – highly interactive training sessions for more effective learning outcomes
Demand for training on maritime risk management has been high for many years and Maritime Academy has always offered a fully comprehensive range of risk management training courses, as well as tailor-made solutions designed for specific customer needs. In the past months the standard offer has been restructured into three stand-alone courses each lasting two days. Depending on their experience and focus the individual participant may wish to attend all three starting with the foundation course “Maritime Risk Management and Incident Investigation” as a base for all further risk related courses.
Maritime Risk Management and Incident Investigation
This foundation course introduces the key concepts as well as the relationship between risk management and incident investigation. Participants will be familiarized with the key principles of risk assessment and learn how to implement risk management procedures in a maritime organization. This course provides a strong base on which all interested parties can build up their knowledge. Additional two-day courses, as detailed below, are available for those who wish to go deeper into incident investigation or risk assessment.
Practical Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis - Methods and Tools
This course is designed for shore and ship staff who want to dive even deeper into the topic of incident investigation and learn how to apply different methods and tools for root cause analysis, including DNV GL’s well-renowned Maritime-Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (M-SCAT).
Participants will learn how to apply incident analysis tools in dealing with real incident scenarios in order to improve their individual analytical skills.
Practical Marine Risk Assessment
The objectives of this course are to build on existing risk assessment skills and learn a practical approach to this topic. The attendees will get more familiar with the philosophy and process of risk assessment as well as being introduced to a range of different techniques for conducting risk assessment. The final module also takes a look into risk assessment during the management of change process.
If you are interested to see the whole range of training offers regarding risks and emergencies please have a look at our website