DNV GL heeft onlangs een onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de maritieme veiligheid in vier verschillende regio's. Lees meer. [English]
DNV GL recently performed a survey on maritime safety in four different regions: Greece, Middle East, Norway and Germany. The results reflected the industry’s focus on safety and presented some clear direction on how to improve safety at sea.
Hull performance monitoring solutions offer significant fuel savings potential and have prompted growing interest from the maritime industry. In November 2016, the new ISO standard on hull and propeller performance assessment (ISO 19030) for ships in service was published. Now Maritime Academy jointly offers a 1-day course “Practical Guide to Antifouling Management” together with leading suppliers of antifouling coatings.
The ISO 19030 standard outlines general principles for the measurement of changes in hull and propeller performance and defines a set of performance indicators for hull and propeller maintenance, repair and retrofit activities. It is intended to serve the wider community as well as support shipping operators and suppliers in better business practice.
The course Practical Guide to Antifouling Management & ISO 19030 (link to website https://www.dnvgl.com/training/practical-guide-to-antifouling-management-iso-19030-91329) explains mechanisms behind different antifouling options, raising understanding for their differing performance, strengths and shortcomings. Participants also receive a general introduction to performance monitoring in antifouling management focusing on generic options and not specific products. The objective of the course is raising sufficient understanding to make informed choices in antifouling products and monitoring options with large impact on energy saving and handling charter claims.
For more information please contact us: academy.maritime@dnvgl.com