Alles klaar voor de STCW Manilla-wijzigingen op 1 januari 2017? Lees meer [English]
On the 1st of January 2012 the Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention and Code entered into force. But a transitional period of five years was granted to allow seafarers and administrations to comply with the new requirements. This period will end on the 31st of December 2016. So, only nine months left to be compliant. Nine months seems to be enough time – but you must not forget that for a revalidation or new certification some seafarers might need additional training and the acceptance by the flag administration which will issue the revalidated certificate of competency (CoC) or certificate of proficiency (CoP). This will take its time.
How can you do a first check if a CoC or CoP is in compliance with the Manila Amendments? If the CoC (or CoP) is valid after the 1st of January 2017 the requirements are met. If the validation ends before that date you should react in due time.
What is new since the Manila Amendments?
Shipping companies shall have implemented the changes already in their quality or safety system. This includes the broaden responsibility for the assignment of seafarers to ensure appropriate certification, manning, refresher and updating training, data maintenance, familiarization of seafarers, emergency preparedness and effective oral communication.
For the seafarers there are a few further requirements to have appropriate training before their CoC or CoP may be issued, recognized or endorsed by the administration. Nautical Officers need ECDIS training whereas technical officers need knowledge of high-voltage installations. All officers should have environmental awareness. Also the rank of the Able Seafarer deck and engine is now defined which requirements have to be fulfilled before they may be promoted and certified. In line with the ETO there is a new rank, the Electro-technical rating (ETR). In addition, the requirements for the newly established officers/ranks have to be considered: the Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) and the Electro-technical rating (ETR).
Seafarers on special type of ships need to be aware of the new structure of additional qualifications. Oil, chemical and gas tankers are separated and different qualifications are required. For passenger ships adequate training needs to be organized and documentary evidence must be available.
All seafarers must have a security awareness training. Depending on their duties this has to include the qualification of designated security duties. Crew holding the SSO certificate have this security awareness included.
With some qualifications there are more clear requirements for the revalidation of the certificate which might need appropriate refresher training such as basic safety, rescue boats or advanced fire fighting. Some of those can be done on board, others need special training ashore.
Are you and all your seafarers prepared to avoid a disruption in regular operation?
Do you want to know more about the details what has changed and will be required by 2017? Then come to our course “Understanding STCW including Latest Amendments”
It provides you with knowledge on STCW, background, structure and practical application of the convention.
If you want to have even more details visit the course “STCW for Crewing Managers” Participants, who already have a basic knowledge about the STCW, as amended, will gain a deeper understanding of it from a crewing perspective. At the end of the course they will be able to identify required certificates by rank as well as other implications arising of the STCW Convention and Code.