Maritime Cyber Security E-learning nu beschikbaar! Lees meer [English]
Maritime Cyber Security: Raise your awareness and train your crews by using E-Learning
The maritime industry is more and more relying on IT systems and thus the vulnerability of the IT infrastructure is growing. Cyber-attacks have increased exponentially over the past few years – also in the maritime industries. And they can have a major impact on all critical maritime infrastructures and IT components/assets. Although human failure is the most often reason for any cyber security incidents maritime cyber security awareness is currently low. Phishing and social engineering, unintentional downloads of malware, etc. are common issues. At the same time, most crews and on-shore staff are insufficiently prepared for cyber-attacks, resulting into behaviour that fails to contain the damage.
Address the human factor in cyber security
You can now get an e-learning course for your crews (and shore staff) to raise awareness concerning cyber security – what are typical cyber-attacks and how do they contribute to your company’s cyber security.
The e-learning course “Maritime Cyber Security Awareness” developed by DNV GL’s Maritime Academy raises awareness about threats and counter-measures, addressing your cyber security management system simply by changing crew behaviour. The course explains in simple steps how and where cyber-attacks may target not only your direct IT infrastructure, but also the embedded software in assorted OT (operational technology) systems on board.
The easy-to-understand course is intended for a wider audience, the material also leverages key safety management practices and shows how they can be applied to cyber security within the maritime and offshore industries.
The course
Four training modules outline the role of each individual in preventing breaches of cyber security and mitigating damage in the event of a successful cyber-attack. With the tool, the users will understand how changing their behaviour can make a real contribution to cyber security.
- Module 1: Your role in cyber security This module starts with raising awareness that software is not just found in obvious IT systems, but also embedded in many types of equipment essential for operating ships and offshore assets. Concrete examples of cyber-attacks on ships and offshore platforms are used to explain the importance of each individual for cyber security and the role the crew play in protecting themselves and the company against cyber-attacks.
- Module 2: Common threats & traps The module focuses on typical threats, such as phishing or hacker attempts trying to trick you into installing malicious software. The participant learns how to detect such cyber-attacks and what actions to take.
- Module 3: Good practices towards cyber security Through illustrative examples, the module communicates good practices such as proper handling of personal mobile devices, USB sticks, passwords and remote connections.
In addition to the three awareness modules, we offer another module for IT managers and those involved in cyber barrier management.
Cyber management module: Cyber security countermeasures
This module applies lessons from the first three modules. Countermeasures cover preventive measures (e.g. updating antivirus software) and reactive measures (e.g. procedures after a detected security breach). The module reminds participants that their behaviour is actually a key countermeasure in their company’s cyber security.
How it works
Each user will receive an individual access code for the course and an electronic certificate upon successful completion. This makes it possible to keep track of and verify who has done the training. The course is made available online so it can be run from every computer with internet access.
Cyber security threats have increased over the past few years in the maritime industry. DNV GL’s Maritime Academy offers an immediate solution to help you train your staff to be cyber secure – it is time to act.